False aralia is a pretty indoor plant, beloved for its interesting leaf shape and slim, sprawling height, both of which give it a feather-like appearance. They can handle a range of temperatures—the main problem with colder environments, however, is the lack of humidity, so expect plants in these conditions to lose leaves unless you can raise the humidity sufficiently. They aren't picky as to their fertilizer, but they dislike too much water or being allowed to dry out excessively.
False aralia like bright, but not direct, sunlight. The leaf color is affected by overall light levels—the more light that it gets, the darker the mature leaves will appear. However, be mindful of exposing the plant to any direct rays of sunlight. They can damage the thin, delicate leaves and cause them to brown.Soil
False aralia does not do well in "sponge-like" potting mediums, so opt for a peat-based mix instead. Make sure your chosen blend has plenty of coarse material—you want something that retains moisture but drains quickly and does not become water-logged. To help with drainage even further, plant your false aralia in a pot that has a sufficient number of holes at its base.
False aralia prefer a steady supply of adequate moisture and are somewhat picky about it. Good drainage is essential to growing the best plant possible, but take care not to overwater the plant (you'll know if it's getting too much hydration if the leaves begin to wilt). A good rule of thumb is to wait until the top one to two inches of soil have dried out before you water again.
Take note: False aralia hates to be cold! The ideal temperature range for the false aralia to thrive is somewhere between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, though it can handle brief dips in temperature to about 45 degrees. However, prolonged cold temperatures below 60 degrees will cause the plant to drop leaves and eventually die.
Additionally, false aralia loves humidity and will need humidity levels of at least 50 percent most times in order to thrive. Give the plant regular spritzings in order to keep it moist, or house it in a typically-humid area of your home, like the bathroom or kitchen. You can also set the pot on a tray layered with wet pebbles to increase the humidity levels surrounding the plant.
Generally, false aralia doesn't have any heavy fertilizer requirements. However, you can feed it with a weak liquid fertilizer at half-strength every other week or so during its growing season (spring and summer), stopping coming winter. If you notice any yellowing leaves, that may indicate a shortage of magnesium; adding a bit of Epsom salt to your soil can help with that issue.
Comes in a 10 Inch nursery pot